Products & Solutions » Marking Equipment» Laser Marking System» C-series Co2 Laser Marking Systems » Co10ap Laser Marking System




The Telesis® CO10AP is a 10-watt, RF-excited, continuous wave, sealed-tube, COlaser marking system that provides a galvo-steered beam designed for marking. The CO10AP laser marking system is excellent for marking substrates like wood, glass, Plexiglas®, quartz, ceramics, fabrics, and other organic materials.

The CO10AP laser offers these advantages:

  • Air-cooling – no external water or refrigerant needed 
  • Compact laser marking head and simple mounting system 
  • Detachablelaserheadcableassemblyforeasyintegration 
  • Standard 115/230VAC operation 
  • Key switch, Laser Off button, interlocked safety shutter, and emission indicators 
  • DoD-compliant Unique Identification (UID) marking 


The CO10AP is available in several configurations. The marker can be configured at the factory with the galvo head mounted in one of four directions: facing down, up, left, or right.

Additionally, the system may be configured to mark only stationary objects or for marking objects while they are moving (i.e., mark-on-the-fly operation).

The modular design allows for major components to be easily replaced and returned to Telesis if required. The basic laser system consists of the following components.

• LaserMarkingHead–includesthelasertube,optics, shutter assembly, galvanometer assembly, and flat-field lens.

• Laser Controller – contains circuit boards, electrical components, and the operator console

• System Computer – embedded within the laser controller • Software – Merlin II LS Laser Marking Software pre-

installed in laser controller/system computer.

• Cable Assemblies – power, control, and data cables

• VGA/USB Monitor – 10.1", 1024 x 600, touch screen monitor with on-screen keyboard; includes stylus, 12V DC power adapter, and interface cables.


DOWNLOAD: Product Guide

DOWNLOAD: Laser Selection Guide

CO10AP Laser Marking System


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