The EV40 is a high throughput laser marker featuring a Q-switched Nd:YV04 diode pumped, air- cooled laser design with high speed digital galvo scanners. This laser provides high quality laser beam characteristics including a long focal tolerance combined with up to 2mJ pulse energies and high average powers at 1064nm, allowing these systems to achieve high-speed, rapid deep mark- ing of metals or composite materials on flat and curved surfaces and offers the user best-in-class reliability with a low cost of ownership. In addition, the integrated proprietary graphical laser soft- ware and optimized electronics make these systems the best solution for many high speed mark- ing on the fly (MOTF*) applications. The robust mechanical and optical design allows these lasers to operate without any chiller in an industrial environment where shock, vibration, and dust are a concern while maintaining stable output power and an expected diode MTTF of 75,000 hours. The small footprint allows for easy integration into manual off-line and automated on-line configurations, making it ideal for a wide range of industrial marking applications.
The Telesis® EV40 is an advanced, fiber-coupled diode pumped solid state (DPSS) laser marking system. The laser beam and Q-switched pulse characteristics are optimized for applications that require high beam quality and stability. In addition, the EV40 offers extra power and speed for precision marking and material processing applications. Its short pulse width and extremely small spot size provide high resolution marking with minimal heat impact to surrounding areas. These characteristics make it an ideal choice for general-purpose laser marking, scribing, trimming, and other material processing applications.
The EV40 design features a Q-switched Nd:YVO4 end-pumped laser with a remote fiber-coupled diode pump source. With An average MTTF of 75,000 working hours the EV40 offers the user “best-in class” reliability.
The robust mechanical and optical design allows the Telesis EV40 to operate in an industrial environment where shock, vibration, and dust are a concern.
The laser marking system offers these advantages:
• Reliable long maintenance-free performance
• Compact size and modular construction
• Remote, fiber-coupled pump diode
• Exceptional beam quality and stable output power • Visible red aiming diode
• Air cooling
• Thermo-electricaltemperaturecontrolofthe laser crystal and pump diode
• ActiveAOQ-switching
• Standard 115/230VAC operation
• Largedigitaldisplayformarkerstatus,settings,and error condition monitoring
• Key switch, Laser Off button, interlocked safety shutter, and emission indicators
• DoD-compliant Unique Identification (UID) marking
The EV40 is available in several configurations. The system computer, required for running the Merlin® II LS software, may be an external device connected to the laser controller, or embedded within the laser controller itself. Additionally, the system may be configured to mark only stationary objects or to mark objects while they are moving (i.e., mark-on-the-fly).
The modular design allows for major components to be easily replaced and returned to Telesis if required. The basic laser system consists of the following components.
• Laser Marking Head–containssealedresonator,beam expander, galvanometer assembly, visible red aiming diode.
• Laser Controller – contains pump diode, RF driver, and other electrical components
• Dual Fiber Optic Cables
• Cable Assemblies – power, control, and data cables
• Software – Merlin II LS Laser Marking Software
• System Computer – may be an external device connected to the laser controller or embedded within the laser controller itself. If external, the computer may be supplied by Telesis or by the customer.
• Monitor,Keyboard,andMouse–suppliedbyTelesis for systems with embedded computers; may be supplied by Telesis or by the customer for systems with external computers.
DOWNLOAD: Product Guide
DOWNLOAD: Laser Selection Guide