The WFPS 1250 & 1252 feature Wexxar's latest innovation, the WF10 Omni-Handed Case Former which is teamed with one of its flagship sealers, the BEL 250 Pressure Sensitive Case Taper or 252 Pressure Sensitive Case Taper. It comes complete with a 3 foot loading and accumulation section for an all in one solution for the hand pack line.
The WFPS is the latest innovation in case forming, not only making use of Wexxar's patented Pin & Dome system, but also providing a swift changeover to Right or Left handed cases. The WFPS features Wexxar's trademark color size change accessible on either side of the machine for quick and easy case size change.
Wexxar/BEL offers several conveyor options for case delivery. 3' or 6' passive or powered loading sections ensure the "right" solution for every application.
Wexxar/BEL also offers several case sealing options. Customers can select either the BEL 250 or 252 fully automatic tape sealer for sealing. The 252 not only provides quick and easy changeover but also operator safety for working at the entry end of the machine.
Omni-Handed Form Pack Seal 1250/1252 System Features & Specs:
WF10 Features:
BEL 250 Features:
BEL 252 Features:
Loading Section Offer: